2020年2月8日 星期六



感謝醫護, 罷工係好合理, 只係所謂高層根本唔理前線死活, 真係救唔返



投資方面本身唸住繼續人棄我取買港股, 即本地公司既股票, 賭佛系救港成功, 但我唸比例都唔會多於兩成, 同埋主要以資產型為主


總體大概佔組合六成資金, 其實都係之前個堆股票一年四季收息, 博佢有股息增長, 資產又會增長, 暫時今年到目前為止做到佢要既角色

Tech related: ME8U, AJBU, CJLU, A17U

1st Tier: N2IU, C38U / C61U, T82U, J69U, C2PU, SK6U

2nd Tier / High yield: M44U, BUOU / ND8U, CY6U, A7RU, O5RU, BTOU, CMOU, OXMU, CNNU, UD1U, JYEU

最大件事係C38U 合併C61U, 成為亞洲第三大REITS, 基本上分開好, 合埋好, 佢地個堆資產實在太有價值, 近排個股價繼續回調緊, 又係趁低買入累積資產, 現價約莫過5%, 長線睇實在太吸引

Tech related 個四隻股 ME8U, AJBU, CJLU, A17U 可以全部創歷史新高, 明顯係運氣成份, 會繼續持有下去, 有機會回調又可以增持一下, 暫時都繼續睇好, 我見啲FORUM話好似貴左啲, 但個人睇如果可預見增長係高既話, 即係派息增加, 咁股價相對高一點, foresee 既股息率低少少問題不大......除非加息周期又開始



其實都無野好講, 上年十月最後一跌之後基本上四個幾月係調整過幾日, 如果持有住到依家都有一至兩成增長, 例如手頭成日講個啲 MSFT, V, MA, VOO, QQQ 依啲, 買左持有等收成, 可惜永遠都係買得唔夠多...

所以由頭到尾美股點都係要有貨, 因為破頂再破頂, 唔係就咁無盈利炒上去, 係真係增長幾多升幾多, 吸金能力強到無朋友

所以策略又係得一個, 升要有貨, 跌有錢加貨, 無倉無輸無贏, 就可以成為另一個大輸了



可能都唔係太多人關注股票, 如果可以抗到疫都呼天喜地, yeah 佛系抗疫

如果仲想投資本地公司, 和上次一樣可以考慮以下公司

電訊股: 1310, 6823

REITS: 778, 435, 823, 808, 2778

銀行: 11, 2388

其他收息股: 900, 331, 46, 2

地產: 14, 12, 16, 17, 83, 20, 173


最後總結, 天佑香港

27 則留言:

  1. Microsoft 的cloud services 發展仍很大空間~反而apple有人覺得佢已開始食緊哋老本🧐

    1. 我唸方向唔同, MSFT個CEO上任幾年就將方向做CLOUD個部份, 過多幾年就有望超越AMZN, 就算window機或者mac機都用到msft啲軟件或者cloud, 成日都ONEDRIVE, 真係人都顛

      AAPL 我都有好少量上年一月見佢跌到好唔值錢咁, 佢慢慢想將賺錢部份轉做SERVICE個部份, 我理解例如佢張信用咭, 買啲APPS, 儲存FILE既DRIVE 之類, 就咁聯想佢第日想取代埋銀行, 做埋可以有息存款之類, 有無咁厲害就唔知, 但就咁咁大量既理金, iphone又多人日, ipad 基本上無敵, 最重要係有個BLOGGER寫得非常好, 啲野賣咁貴就係可以更新個軟件, 極度重要, 啲ANDROID TAB根本無長期更新搞到啲新APPS用唔到.....

  2. SG REIT 同你都幾似。
    不過最近減持咗N2IU、J69U,WARS 喺新加坡都幾大獲。

    1. 我都唔知啱唔啱, 暫時都叫做回報尚可

      加加減減就經常個別地做下, 我估我約莫八成不動兩成就出出入入, 不過就咁睇唔郁個部份回報遠比出出入入來得好

      WARS都係影響極大, 除左香港佛系抗疫, 新加坡似乎對抗疫做好左一定準備, 所以如果啲REITS肯跌落黎都會分注入返啲, 收住息咁等佢創新高


  3. 試下好似其他BLOG咁係留言區每日都更新下

    S-REITS今日就N2IU係又回左啲, 現價估佢有4.25%左右, 未來有前景可唸下分注入

    AJBU又破頂, 如果增長超快咁可以理解, 當增長6-10%息口都未必有4%, 要買就可能要再睇準少少

    JYEU出左業績, 比招股書好既DPU, 會繼續持有, 我成日用佢同SK6U咁比, 如果以息口比較, JYEU仲係抵買之選黎


    港股就一眾REITS都係續跌, 都係有危有機啲朋友, 435明天出業績可以留意下

  4. hello師兄,請問下sgp reit啲消息可以係邊度搵,yahoo個啲感覺好流,謝謝

    1. https://www2.sgx.com/


      其他就可以參考一下BLOG LIST入面其他新加坡BLOGGER, 幾有啟發性

    2. 謝謝,我就係參考左你去買架構成thanks

    3. 希望你成功, 可多多交流心德和討論

  5. 11/2 Tuesday

    今晚美股一開最勁跑出AMT, SBAC, CCI, 似乎T-MOBILE合併SPRINT 可以同佢地有關係

    中國話批MA入大陸市場, 都真係有好有唔好, 要睇點合作, 大方向都應該正確


    435 出左業績, 半年派息持平, 已經很不錯, 現價約息口5.5%, 如以睇五年角度可以買入持有等收成, 觀感唔會差過778

    新加坡就無咩特別, 係尋晚CJLU出左業績都穩步向上, 都係繼續持有

  6. 師兄你好,我出左一封email 到你gmail,唔知你收唔收到呢?謝謝

  7. Great to hear back from you. Just buy some BUOU this morning. Do you hold any IREIT now? It seems attractive.

    1. Sorry for my late reply before. BUOU is good and I have few of them. Will keep and monitor this stock.

      The result of UD1U is also released in night. Not too good and not too bad. NAV is up to 0.85. I also have few shares. It is high yield but my suspect is the market in Europe. Will keep monitoring this REITS but my confidence cannot be compared with C38U or ME8U. Quite different story.

      Do you see another REITS OXMU? It is a new REITS and the growth seems nice. The result is released in this morning and then a new acquisition is also made. Comparing the yield between BUOU and OXMU, the growth of OXMU is better.

  8. 12/2 Wednesday

    10:30pm 美股又一野抽左上去, 但GPN 似乎業績不能超越預期就有啲下調, 每次下調或者係增持機會, 除左V, MA, 支付股份係有少少GPN

    SHOPIFY 怒升九十幾蚊, YOUTUBER COCO哥應該吐血咁滯......


    6823 出左業績, 有得升派息, 都係趁機增持, 手持的會繼續持有, 始終1310 增長理想啲

    OXMU, UD1U 出左業績, 個人睇OXMU業績比較理想, 考慮之後會增持多一點收息, OXMU息口相對BUOU 比較好一點但歷史唔長, 要有個平衡

    UD1U 我唸要睇埋西班牙啲物業貢獻先見真章, 係NAV=0.85 依下好左啲

  9. 6823 is another good stock with decent yield. However, 8 seems to be more attractive in the current price with much higher yield. This morning DBS also released its full year results with 10% dividend growth. but I only hold very few shares.

    1. That's good to hear the growth of dividend! But I cannot follow a lot of stocks. Indeed, the S-REITS, some HK stocks and US stocks are quite a lot to me. Sorry that I cannot comment on this

  10. 回覆
    1. How about the tax policy for those two overseas reits? I thought UD1U does not have the 30% tax deduction compared to OXMU?

    2. I received dividend from BTOU and CMOU before and they did not deduce 30% tax. Need to try once to see whether there is tax deduction of OXMU.

    3. Thanks very much for sharing. Good to know that dividends from those two US reits are tax exempted. I totally relate to the unrelenting rise of S reits, especially the biggest reits like Mapletree and Capitaland. Would you wait for a big adjustment before adding your position and what are your current targets?

    4. I noticed that the Retail performance, especially the F&B sector in malls are quite poor in SG with news reports mentioning that the restaurant association has urged the mall owners to reduce rents by half. It seems the business prospects are quite pessimistic in the following few months.

    5. For your easy reference,

    6. Thanks for sharing. It may be a chance to add some portions in a relative low price. I keep holding a large portions of REITS / business trust. Let us wait and see.

      For Mapletree and Capitaland, my feeling is they manage the portfolio well, especially the "GROWTH" in the future. For example, ME8U, they buy some data centres in US last year. It is a huge demand and supply area in coming years. The expected growth is quite certain.

      Instead of Singapore stocks, you may also take a look US stock as there are many opportunities.

  11. 13 Feb (Thursday)

    今日早少少出, 齋講新加坡, 又不斷玩創新高, 例如AJBU, CY6U, BUOU, UD1U, 同埋一隻我長期有跟進但永遠都唔會買既M44U, 可能今晚要靠啲S-REITS黎頂美股啲調整, 希望幫到手

    AJBU可以升到咁急, 息率得返<3.5%, 預期增長真係勁成咁? 加注就買但長期持有部份就繼續長期持有, 唔知咩玩法
