2020年2月28日 星期五


1. 地球終歸要爆炸, 全世界都賣晒啲股票啦喎你仲全倉股票, 你實死梗架喇, 都話左架喇, 無人可憐你

2. Microsoft, Visa, Mastercard, 咩話, 仲有人用架咩, cloud 喎, 無現金城市喎, 啲故仔消失架喇, 咩鬼野free cashflow, 啲數你扼鬼咩, 你扼我唔到既, 月頭仲天下無敵月尾就賤過地底泥, 咩姐, 跟住趨勢走, 依啲叫趨勢投資法, 價值投資法依啲OUT晒架喇.....股神仲揸股票就傻仔啦, 高沽低揸架嘛, 收息, 被動收入, 無野丫, 都玩完啦咩都, 仲咁幼稚架, cash is the king

3. 指數ETF投資, 又咩低位買, 又咩月供, 一個星期渣, 咩都無晒啦, 乜鬼野一年平均10%回報, 你扼鬼咩, 梗係揸現金最好啦。又話大趨勢印銀紙, 你扼人, 你欺騙了我的感情啊

4. REITS, 咩MALL, Data centre, office, 咩都無生意架喇, 所有企業都執晒笠, 搵鬼租你啲野咩, NAV 折讓幾成, 數字遊戲黎架姐, 一切終歸會是零, 咩都唔得架啦

5. 上網, 網絡供應商得啦瓜, 你點知姐, 政府下令全部免費俾市民用, 共渡時間, 咁供應商食風丫, 係架, 真係食西北風架, 好虛幻之嘛上網生意, 咩網上購物丫, 根本扼人既, 唔係咩, 蝕錢蝕咁多年都仲有人做咁傻仔, 啲錢唔做放係度收息, 仲做咩鬼生意, 香港進唔進步我駛理佢咩


6. 如有雷同, 實屬巧合

7. 謹對前線醫護人員致最深既敬意。

10 則留言:

  1. 亂市中,指數ETF是一個令人放心的選擇。

  2. chaos, i stick the plan, focus the goal!

  3. Hi may I know, from your experience, do Hong Kong investors need to pay 30% on dividends from US stocks and also SG reits that hold only US properties (e.g. OXMU, BTOU)?

    1. From the latest dividend report, those OXMU, BTOU did not need to pay 30% dividend tax.

  4. Thanks very much for your share. Would you recommend these reits now?

    1. I do not recommend any stocks you should buy or not. I am trying to share the stocks I think they may be good to buy.

      My core REITS/Business Trusts are same as before - local singapore REITS are preferable and stable. REITS with significant income outside Singapore are high yield but more fluctuating.

  5. Thanks for your analysis. Appreciate your sharing very much.

    1. You are welcome and please feel free to visit and discuss from time to time.
