又另五隻可以趁低吸納的美股, 個人純粹對美股的偏好, 還是多集中一點在美股身上
1. Equinix (EQIX)

3. Waste Management (WM)

4. Republic Services (RSG)

5. Ecolab (ECL)

WM, RSG, ECL 就做dirty work
只看圖表, 明顯data centre 是今次疫情受惠者, 股價在200天線上, 並且宣佈「破頂」(即是突破52周新高), 走勢凌厲
相反下面dirty work 仍然處於弱勢, 或許要多一點時間才有望轉勢, 可以留意一下未來走勢決定買入時機。
一連介紹15間公司, 好像很熟悉, 但又可能因突然下跌而嚇怕(包括我自己)。個人對未來仍充滿信心, 仍然會繼續持有不少股票, 對抗可預見未來的印銀紙行為。
股票勝負不在於一時, 在於自己可時可以突破自己心理障礙, 暫時會以改變打法為主(基本因素+平圴線), 看看會否在未來出現突破。
二月尾至三月的下跌不知道對你影響有多大呢? 可分享一下。
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反思系列(1): Visa, Mastercard 的投資價值
反思系列(2): Microsoft 的投資價值
US stock list
WM都係我個watching list 入面,想買嘅股太多,哈哈~
回覆刪除都是的, 要看看疫情發展如何才可確認, 暫時都是細注及觀望
刪除Any particular bright spots do you see in those waste management companies? Thanks,
回覆刪除I think WM or RSG are boring company. People relied on them. They are not a big business but the wastes are handled everyday.
刪除Thanks again for sharing these great stocks. Agreed with your views that Waste management is essential service but with regards to the impact of virus, at first glance as a beginner to us stocks, I noticed that the majority of earnings of WM is from industrial and commercial customers. Do you think this may impact its income in this year?
回覆刪除it is really difficult question. Better to see the coming result in next two weeks (both WM and RSG) and see there are any in-depth figures or information
回覆刪除知道的, 但買龍頭兩隻好像已經足夠, 如果回復正常的話