2020年4月25日 星期六

書藉推介(五): 搶救皮克斯!一切從賈伯斯的一通電話開始……(To Pixar and Beyond: my unlikely journey with Steve Jobs to make entertainment history)

我想大概兩年前左右, 聽財經節目英SIR 推介一本書, 當時大概說時書局有很多財經書, 但看到讀者看一些牛熊之類的書, 完全忽略在旁邊的書藉, 這本就是 To Pixar and Beyond: my unlikely journey with Steve Jobs to make entertainment history (搶救皮克斯!一切從賈伯斯的一通電話開始……)

如果有看Pixar 的電影, 可能會知道當年有一段時間Steve Jobs 買了Pixar 作為投資, 最終做了很多傑出的作品, 有人認同有人不認同, whatever, 完成了作品好比有任何傑出點子重要, 因為點子只想自我幻想, 完成作品就可以受別人認同或者未來有改善空間

全本書就是詳細談及Pixar 怎樣由危機轉為機會, 過程描述細緻, 絕對值得一看, 個人印象最深刻還是Pixar 員工對自己公司文化的一種歸屬感和不想讓別人破壞, 現今世代實在難得。


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6 則留言:

  1. 這本書很好看呢, 看作者與Steve的互動很好看, 和Disney談判的劇情也很引人.

    1. 絕對同意, 詳情還先賣一賣關子, 讓讀者細看及分享

  2. do you think HK ETF 7261, 2834 is an easier way to invest in US IT stks, Thks

    1. Thanks for your question. After taking a quick look,

      1. 7261, 2x Nasdaq index

      2. 2834, just like QQQ, to follow Nasdaq-100 index

      I think you need to concern
      (1) performance fee, which is similar as TQQQ, QQQ
      (2) the variation of performance between the real index and tracking fund. You need to take a look this part.

      I think you may take a look this link

      The discussion showed that there are certain risks if you invest in the product such as TQQQ, or that 7261. Bear in mind about this

    2. The major weakness of most of ETFs traded in HK is low turnover and hence widened bid-ask spread!

    3. Agree with you. The liquidity is another issue in HK market.
